Thursday, May 27, 2021

This 'blog module' is created as a teaching aid to learn selected,

Reference management software


Prof. Rohana B. Marasinghe


At the end of the session, the learner should be able to,
  • describe reference management software
  • identify common features of EndNote, Zotero & Mendeley
  • download, install and use above software
    • create/edit records
    • cite while writing
    • saving
    • export/import
    • create references to an article
    • changing referencing style
    • database search and download


  1. Reference management software 
  2. EndNote
  3. Zotero
  4. Mendeley


  1. log into blog-
  2. Follow the instructions of the trainer


  1. Reference management software (
  2. EndNote (
  3. Zotero (
  4. Mendeley (
  5. Compare EndNote, RefWorks, Mendeley and Zotero (

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